Strong support for you

Considering and EMBA - Student Services

When you are working full time and returning to school, eliminating as many tasks as necessary – even the very small ones – goes a long way.

EMBA Programs understand the challenges that working professionals face and try to make the EMBA experience as smooth as possible.

Well-established services among EMBA Programs include registering students for classes, supplying books and other materials to eliminate trips to the bookstore, providing meals during all-day classes and residencies, and, when applicable, arranging hotel services.

The services from program to program vary, but some programs also may provide access to technology that supports the classroom experience, such as web conferencing and podcasts. More and more programs are exploring the use of digital devices and materials.

Support comes from many different sources for EMBA students, including program faculty and staff, fellow students and team members, work colleagues, and family. Fellow students play a number of key roles from team members to partners to friends.


Boston Scientific

Simply put: EMBA services help students keep focused on learning.

“The beauty of the program is that everything is planned and taken care of,” says Mark Gayle, director of post-market quality and therapy systems support for the cardiology, rhythm, and vascular division of Boston Scientific.

“Breakfast and lunch are ordered, your books are ordered. All the lectures were recorded, which I found extremely helpful, especially for the finance and accounting courses.”

In the end, the support from all corners can make quite a difference for students.

“It was an environment where I could learn easier,” says Gayle. “I was able to put new concepts to work in team projects, where I was working with classmates who were experts. It was a rich environment, spirited competition, a community of learning.”