Best of the best in the EMBA classroom

Considering and EMBA - Faculty

EMBA Programs tend to attract experienced faculty who are often leaders in their field. Many serve as consultants to industry; many also are recipients of teaching awards.

Faculty members who teach in EMBA Programs enjoy the give-and-take that occurs in the classroom among students and with faculty. They make the most of student experiences and expertise to the benefit of all students through lively discussion and classroom sharing. They engage students in learning experiences that support their growth and development as business leaders.


Surgical Business Manager
Methodist Hospital

Javier Torrez was drawn to his EMBA Program for many reasons, including the level of support that he saw from faculty and administrators.

“I could call the professors if necessary and could walk into their office to see them during office hours,” says Torrez, surgical business manager for Methodist Hospital in Arcadia, California. “Classes were small, and we received personal treatment."